Thursday, June 30, 2011

New bikes and a clean garage!!!

Me on my new bike! I love it!
So, as I mentioned in the previous post, Ryan got promoted to 1st Lieutenant last month. That promotion comes with a little pay raise, and to celebrate we decided to buy mountain bikes. There are a lot of really awesome trails all over base, and we have had an awesome time riding and exploring (even though my legs are still a little mad at me...). We went with Specialized bikes, for anyone that is interested.

So, bringing these bikes into our house made me realize that our garage was really messy. Ever since we moved into our house last September, we never really organized the garage, and things have just been piling up. So today worked my booty off and tackled the garage! I worked on it all day, but I won't lie I am pretty proud of the result!

The befores.....

 And AFTER!!!!

Yay for an organized garage!!!

This week I also cleaned and decorated our back patio a little bit. I will post some pics once I make/buy some pillows... trying to decide if I can make them for cheaper than I can buy them. Tomorrow, I will tackle a day's worth of laundry... ugh. But looking forward to the long weekend!


New Blog!

So, I have been thinking for awhile that I should start a blog, and in an attempt to put off cleaning the garage, I decided today was the day! I am sure I will be playing with the design and stuff over the next few days. Until then, I will leave you with a little photo recap of our summer so far!
Tara and Chord came, we went to Disneyland & California Adventure

Worn out at the end of the day! 
David came to California and we went to San Fran!

Ryan got promoted to 1st Lt!!!!
 Coming up, Ryan's family will be here for two weeks starting next week, and then in August I am headed to Texas for my bestie's wedding! I can't wait!
