Monday, July 29, 2013

Big news!

 It's been almost 2 years since I have updated this blog- I am here now because I want to use it as a forum to record all of the exciting things that have been happening in our lives recently. A quick timeline of the last month or so:

Week of July 7

JThis is going to sound cryptic, but I could tell something just wasn't right. I was a little emotional I started getting random nausea in the afternoon- I even canceled an all you can eat Korean BBQ Dinner. (Like I said, something wasn't right.) On Tuesday, I bought some pregnancy tests and took one- Negative. By my calculations it should have definitely been positive if I was preg, so I tried to put it out of my mind. 

Thursay morning, I was feeling even more weird, so I took another test- Negative. OK. I decided I was done testing for awhile and would wait until Monday. But, I impatience got the the best of me and Thursday night I gave it one more shot. Within about a minute there was a faint but definitely there line--  I AM PREGNANT! 

After taking a few minutes to collect myself I went into the closet and pulled out this Auburn onesie I bought on clearance years ago. I put it in a gift bag with the test and gave it to Ryan. It was exciting and emotional- but mostly just really hard to believe!

Aunt Alyce after she heard the news!
In the next few days we FaceTime'd both of our families and told them the news. By my calculations I was about 4 weeks with a due date around March 21. I also got to meet up with my sister and tell her in person. I gave her a wine glass that said "Aunt Alyce." She mayyyy have caused a small scene in an Applebees in Camarillo...

During the last 3 weeks i have been pendulating between excitement and panic as we prepare for this exciting addition!!!