Monday, January 27, 2014

32 Week photo dump!

At 32 weeks, not much has changed. At this point, things are just getting harder and I am getting more and more ready to meet these boys! So I am going to do a photo dump and share some pictures from the last few months!

20 weeks- My last week in California!
At my Birmingham Baby Shower- 23 Weeks

Georgia baby shower- 24 weeks!
Ryan's Work Christmas Party- 25 weeks!

Colorado Family Christmas!

The Nolands in Colorado for Christmas!
Colt checking out his new dog door!
The bump keeps growing! 30 weeks!!!
The stroller is ready to go.... woah!
32 weeks... how much bigger can I get???
Nursery Preview... Love my new chair! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Where did time go?

Sooooo I completely failed at this "blog through the pregnancy" thing. But life got very, very hectic after my last post. We spent the end of October and most of November getting our new house ready to move in, moving out of our house in California, and then getting unpacked in Colorado. I don't think I could have accomplished this without my mom taking almost a month out of her life to come help me. 

A week after moving to Colorado, we got in the car and drove to Alabama/ Georgia for Thanksgiving. This was a hectic trip, but it was so good to be home. I had two awesome baby showers- one in Alabama and one in Georgia. It was wonderful to see so many of my friends from home. We got to spend time with both of our families, I got a visit from two of the wonderful Duncan women, and we got to watch the Iron Bowl in Atlanta surrounded by Auburn fans, which was pretty fantastic. 

After our (long) drive back to Colorado, I had 3 weeks to get ready for Christmas!!! We put up the tree while we still had boxes everywhere (priorities!). My parents and sister all flew in for Christmas, which was awesome. I also finally got to meet all of my Colorado doctors, who are all awesome. We had a wonderful Christmas here in Colorado- and we got a lot of projects done on the house. My mom stayed for an extra few days to help me get the nursery set up and organized. There is still some decorating to be done, but I feel very relieved knowing that we have a place to bring home babies! Once we get it decorated I will post some pictures.

Since my mom left I have been doing my best to keep getting things ready for babies, although It's getting harder and harder. Sleeping has gotten increasingly difficult, which makes functioning during the day more difficult. I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable, but I am hanging in here. I am seeing my OB and my Specialist every two weeks right now. I start seeing my OB twice a week in 2 weeks for monitoring, but so far there have been no signs of preterm labor, which is one of the biggest concerns with twins. As of about 2 weeks ago, they estimated that the boys were about 3 lbs 3 oz each- measuring almost exactly the same. They also are showing no signs of Twin to Twin Transfusion, which can be very dangerous for identical twins, so we are especially thankful for that! 

When I see my OB again in a couple of weeks we will discuss a plan for delivering these babies! Because of some concerns about how well the placenta can hold up, we will definitely deliver no later than 37 weeks- this means that I have 6 weeks MAX left. holy cowwwww. If labor starts after 34 weeks they probably won't try to stop it. I am 30 weeks 4 days right now. That blows my mind. 

I will try to do some updates during these last few weeks. I am spending a lot of time on the couch, so I really have no excuse. Maybe I will do a photo update soon with some pictures from the last couple of months. As always, thanks for your prayers as we power through these last few of weeks. We love you guys!

How far along: 30 weeks

Babies are the size of a: Large heads of cabbage? Based on the appt 2 weeks ago, they are probably about 3.5 lbs each. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am not going to go into numbers here, but I am right where I should be :-) 

Maternity clothes On days that I have to get dressed, yes. maternity clothes. In fact, some of the shirts are starting to get a little bit small or short. Right now, I will admit I spend a lot of time in large tshirts and sweats. 

Stretch marks: ugh. yes. I mean, I grew so much so quickly that its not a surprise, but they are not pretty. 

Sleep: I talked about this above, but it is not going well. My hips hurt constantly and I wake up a lot. I pretty much have to have a nap to make it through the day. 

Best moment last week: Making the nursery actually look like a nursery! Now, if we can just get the decorations done!

MovementSo. much. Sometimes it looks like they are trying to punch their way out. It's very cool, but I will admit I wish they would calm down a bit when I am trying to sleep. 

Food cravings: I have not had a lot of crazy cravings, but lately I have been eating a ton of apples with peanut butter. I have never even really liked apples that much, but I eat them multiple times a day lately. 

Gender: Two Baby Boys!!!

Labor signsNope! I had some cramping last week, but all looks good. Fingers crossed they hang in there for a  few more weeks. 

Belly button - in or out? Out. And not in a cute way. 

What I missSleep. Normal Clothes. Being able to walk for more than 5 minutes. 

What I am looking forward to: Meeting our boys! I am finally starting to feel ready- being uncomfortable will do that I guess. 

Milestones: We got a lot of things done in the last week- Hospital tour, we met with a pediatrician, and I pre-registered at the hospital. Also, I passed my 3 hour diabetes test which was a huge relief. Let's do this!