Saturday, August 17, 2013

9 weeks!

Tomorrow I am officially 9 weeks! We had an appointment on Thursday where we got to meet the Doctor and do another ultrasound. It was quick, but we saw two little heartbeats!

I don't know when I am ever going to get over the shock of the doctor showing two heartbeats during an ultrasound. While of course I expected to see them both, I was still somehow genuinely surprised when they were both there, just beating away! My next appointment is Sept. 9, and he said we will do a  quick ultrasound at each appointment because twins can be very difficult to hear on a doppler. I am also going to go to a specialist for high-risk pregnancies starting around week 16. So between the two we should get lots of pictures!!!

Kind of hard to see, but the two little blurs are the babies at 8 weeks 4 days. 
I figure I should go ahead and start doing the pregnancy survey that everyone does on their blog... But it will be fun to look back and see how quickly things change. I haven't started belly pics yet, although I guess I should pretty soon. With two of them in there it probably won't be long before there's a bump!

How far along: 9 weeks

Baby is the size of a: Raspberry! or Grape. Depending on who you ask. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have lost 2 lbs in the last couple of weeks. That's what happens with you survive on saltines and peanut butter toast!

Maternity clothes: No, but it won't be long. I am unashamed to admit that this weekend I bought a couple of pairs of jeggings from Kohls and they are amazing. I am hoping to put of real maternity pants as long as I can. 

Stretch marks: Nope... fingers crossed!

Sleep: Eh. Sometimes I sleep well, other nights not great. Naps are my BFF though- I never knew I could be SO. TIRED.

Best moment last week: Seeing two little heartbeats- again!

Movement: Not yet.

Food cravings: Ugh. I have a love/hate relationship with food right now. I get SO HUNGRY, but then nothing sounds good at all. Yesterday I really wanted baked potato casserole (random), and I can go through an entire jar of pickles or a whole cantaloupe in a day.

Gender: Won't know for a couple of months- Ryan says boys, I say girls. We will see!

Labor signs: not for awhile I hope!

Belly button - in or out? In, and I hope it stays that way, for awhile anyway!

What I miss: Being able to eat normal meals.

What I am looking forward to: Being able to announce it to everyone! It's such a big secret to have to keep for so long! Ahhhhh!

Milestones: Putting away my skinny jeans... I may still wear some of the stretchier ones a bit longer, but they have gotten sooo uncomfortable. Jeggings it is! #Style

I am going to try to blog throughout this pregnancy, as much as I can. School starts back next week and my family is also coming in town, so I will get busier. Please keep praying for Ryan and I and our two little Raspberries- We have quite the adventure ahead!

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